
圣地亚哥天然气 & 电 is an innovative San Diego-based energy company that serves the people and businesses of San Diego and southern Orange counties.



圣地亚哥天然气 & 电 has been energizing the region for over 140 years. But delivering energy to homes and businesses is only the start of our work each day. We also work hard to keep the community safe by helping to mitigate wildfires. 我们正在帮助实现向电动汽车的转变. We’re supporting our local economy by working with diverse suppliers. And we’re investing in our community by supporting K-12 education and workforce training. 我们为什么要这样做? 因为我们一直在前进——一起前进.




你可能已经注意到我们有了新的面貌. Our 标志 has changed; it reflects our values and our goals, our passion and purpose. The letters stay the same, but our new Energy Globe represents so much more. 它展示了前进. The colors represent our commitment to sustainability and the diversity of our customers, 我们的员工, 我们的社区和我们的投资组合.


Some people may ask, “Why change your 标志 – one that is so easily recognized within the community?“答案是我们成长了. Every day we are innovating ways that we can keep our region safer, 更强壮更健康, 同时为你的生活和事业提供动力.

Our new 标志 symbolizes the promise of tomorrow and our commitment to Net Zero by 2045.




Changing a 标志 that has been part of our brand for more than three decades is a big undertaking. We ask that our customers have patience as we go through this transition. We understand that customers may have questions about this change. Here are some frequently asked questions about our 标志 change:

We have had our old 标志 for over three decades and a change like this will take time. We have focused on updating signage at our facilities and our fleets. 然而, updating all of 我们的员工’ uniforms will take more time.

We don’t want to be wasteful with perfectly good fire-resistant clothing that is used by 我们的员工. So, we are going to transition to clothing with our new 标志 over the next several years. As a company that is focused on sustainability, we feel that this is the right strategy.

We are working on getting new badges for 我们的员工 and contractors that have our new 标志. 然而,这个过程确实需要时间. It will be several months before we can replace all old badges. We are prioritizing replacing badges for employees that are working out in the community and customer-facing. Any employee that has a badge with an old 标志 will direct customers to our vencorllc.com website where the customer can learn more about this change for themselves. If you have further questions, you can contact our Customer Care Center at 1-800-411-7343.

此时此刻, we don’t have a final time estimate for when the 标志 will be completely changed out from the old 标志. 我们预计这可能需要几年的时间. But many digital assets will be updated within the first several months of 2023.

We think it is important to use the paper supply that we have already purchased for bills and not be wasteful. We expect that the paper supply will be used up through February, 3月份的账单将包括新标志.  

如前所述,一些资产和材料需要更多的时间更新. We are working on getting 我的账户 updated as soon as possible but expect that they will be updated in January 2023.

西班牙&E is using shareholder funds to update our fleet vehicles, facility signage and some protective gear. 许多数字资产不需要任何资金来更新.

We do have several groups that we work with to educate our customers and help them sign up for these programs. 然而, these groups are responsible for updating these program materials themselves, 因此,他们也需要时间来做出这些改变. Below is a list of companies that we work with to implement these programs. Please refer to this list to ensure that any company reaching out is a legitimate implementer of these programs.



舒适加州(SW HVAC)


金州退税(SW PLA)


职业生涯 & 劳动力准备(SW WE&T)


职业关系(SW WE&T)








Comprehensive Energy Management Solutions (CEMS) (Large Commercial)


住宅能源解决方案(单户) 协同公司
零净能源气候行动计划(CAP4ZNE)  霍加皮架构
Ag-STAR (Savings, Training, Assistance, and 退税) (Agricultural)  级联能源
商业能源解决方案 威尔丹能源解决方案,协同公司
节能援助(ESA) Richard Heath and Associates (RHA)
多家庭节能计划(MFES)  Richard Heath and Associates (RHA)




我们将能源服务分配给3.700万到1.49 million electric meters and 905,000 natural gas meters in San Diego and southern Orange counties.


4600 +员工

We employ more than 4,600 people who work every day to deliver the energy our customers need.



我们为1人供电.400万商业和居民账户,100 square-mile service area spanning 2 counties and 25 communities. 有关我们服务区域的地图,请访问 vencorllc.com/outage-map.